Roger: The Rancher, The Visionary


I married a dreamer...
A visionary
An adventurer.

A year and a half ago Roger began the Emerald Lake project. We are getting closer to it’s completion.

This lake will provide water for our cattle, recreation for those who visit Callison Ranch and a future homesite for us.

Matt, our dozer operator, surveyed where the water level will eventually be located. Matt is an artist with a bulldozer and is also excited about the finished masterpiece.

Roger and I drove t-posts all around the lake where Matt had placed small flags. The cattle would destroy the flags and the t-posts are more permanent to give us a visual.

All of this is coming together because of the vision of a small town, Oklahoma boy who grew up but never lost the ability to see what could be possible.

Ranch LifeNikki Callison