A Storm is Blowing In...


A storm is blowing in...

The last few days has brought winter to the ranch like never before. Since Roger’s Alaskan bear hunt he keeps the weather for Kodiak Island on his phone’s weather app. This week we have been colder here in southern Oklahoma than in Alaska!

We did all we could to prepare before the cold rolled in; but how do you prepare for record low temps?

Everyday we put out extra hay and feed for the cattle so they have the energy to keep their bodies warm. Everyday we chop ice in the ponds and water tanks so the animals can drink. Everyday we pray that God watches over our animals and we look forward to warmer weather.

It’s amazing how resilient the animals are and how the mama cows’ instinct kicks. They try their best to keep their babies warm and safe.

We know that families in a number of states are doing their best to keep their own animals and families safe and warm. We are praying for you too.

Hang in their everyone! May your strength be renewed daily. We are tough, we are resilient and we will make it through this “storm.”

But when it’s passed and all this snow melts, who’s up for joining me on a beach vacation?!🙋🏻‍♀️ My horse Beau is wondering if he can go too...
🏖 🥤 🏊🏻‍♀️👙☀️🍍🤿🏄🏻‍♂️⛱

Ranch LifeNikki Callison