What Makes a Good Horse...


Do you know what makes a good horse? Aside from breeding and conformation, a good horse is made by time spent with a good rider...

Time invested to teach, train, redirect, introduce. Hours of patience and saddle blankets soaked with hard work. Time spent just riding and being together. Time appreciating the nuances and behavior of the animal—each with a different personality, each on their own timeline for mastering skills.

And what makes a good rider? Time spent riding and learning and patience and mistakes and more time riding.

When I used to teach school, I would discuss different students with my dad. He would usually begin his advice with, “Well, Nik, a kid is a lot like a horse...” Having spent a lifetime training or trading thousands of horses and raising 5 kids, my dad knows a little something about both.

I think he was on to something... it takes hours of time spent and patience invested to train either. Only when you spend hours together do you know the personality, nuances and internal motivation of either “animal.” But know, without a doubt, not a moment invested in your horse or a child is ever wasted.

Either can get “hung up in the rope” or “take the bit and run” or even buck you off.

My three kids are now grown. I have learned no matter what comes your way as a parent, you dust yourself off and “get back on.”

If you’re in the saddle of parenting today, take heart! There is no substitute for the time you are investing in the young ones you love...

Invest the time. Roll with the changes. Discipline as needed. Abound in patience, love and humor.

And don’t forget... Enjoy the ride!

Ranch LifeNikki Callison