Tammy at the Ranch: Equal Opportunity to Get Dirty


I never understood the term “glass ceiling.”

Until I went to college...

Where I come from, it’s equal opportunity.

I grew up with four brothers and yet I never felt shut out of the beauty and hard work of our lifestyle.

Ranching supplies an endless amount of chores and challenges. If you want to jump in and help, you are more than welcome!

Want to rope and drag calves to the branding fire? Show us your skills.

Want to try legging a calf while he is being vaccinated? Give it a try!

Want to help birth a calf in the middle of the night? Get your boots and coat.

Want to clean stalls? Pick up a pitchfork.

Want to drive a tractor for endless hours? Just ask.

Want to help haul hay in triple digit heat? Load up! (And bring water!)

Want to sort cattle? Grab a catch gate and some courage.

“Jump in and be a part of it” was the unwritten message in my family.

But note this...EVERYBODY working on the ranch should be ready to take some good-natured teasing, getting yelled at now and then, work without complaining, enjoy the camaraderie, laugh and learn.

I thought about these things this week when Tammy came to help on the ranch. She does day work for area ranches, wears tall-top colorful boots and carries a purple rope. Tammy is also skilled at graphic design, a talented musician and a voice lessons teacher. Tammy is doing what she loves in life, she’s a good hand and we appreciate her.

A ranching lifestyle promotes a strong work ethic and a mind that isn’t easily offended. Ranching gives one a unique perspective on life and a compassion for animals. Perseverance through good and bad. It is our livelihood but it is also our lifestyle. I am thankful to be a part of it...

Ranch LifeNikki Callison